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Blog Update

I have been suffering from anxiety for many years, and have been doing talking therapy sessions with a VA psychologist. The VA says that it is due to my Desert Storm service. I told him yesterday, that I started a website to document my journey through anxiety, We talked about the goals that we set up to try to achieve, and one is that I have so much fear of driving where I live here in the Philippines and also in Manila. Driving is so chaotic here, and it makes me very nervous. So, my VA doc suggested that since one goal is to get over my fear of driving here, he suggested to drive as much as I can, and record them and post them to the site. That is a very good idea to me, so I will try that out. The goal is to learn to drive all the way to the VA in Manila. Please pray that I can achieve this. Thank you all so much. Here are some other goals that we set up. 1. Do a tandem skydive and possibly get my license to jump by myself. I am so intrigued by skydiving and want to do it. I have fear that I will jump out and forget what I am supposed to do, and also that my chute will not deploy properely and I will panic.

2. Get back into competitive bowling, leagues and tournaments, and try to go pro. since I qualified for the pros twice in the States, but did not follow through, cause of anxiety and fear of T.V. interviews and being in front of so many people. When I quit bowing in the States, my average was about 224.

3. Complete a half marathon and then complete a full marathon. 4. Focus on self care, and stop letting people's opinions of me bother me to where it hurts my confidence. I have let people bring me down quite often.

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